It’s a New Species …oh, wait!

1 08 2014

I don’t think I’m alone but maybe I am… I often get so excited when I see something that little differences in appearance make me jump to all kinds of wild conclusions about seeing rare species or at least things I have never seen before. Sometimes those conclusions are correct, especially when it comes to insects because there are so many possibilities.  More often the thing I’m seeing is something that I have already observed but am seeing it in a new light. This phenomenon happens to young children all the time. To them the world is full of wonder because they are literally seeing things for the first time almost every day. Being present in nature helps me keep that feeling of wonderment. It’s my goal to be outside every day observing nature with the eyes of a child. There is so much excitement in that, so many things to be thankful for.

I took these dragonfly pictures yesterday. They are both of a female Autumn Meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum.) I have consulted a couple of books and a friend who really knows her stuff and all of our efforts point to this conclusion. I do admit that there was a bit of time last night that I was really trying to make the second image fit a Saffron-winged Meadowhawk. Its really fun to see things for the first time and it is equally as fun to investigate and see how each individual has their own unique flare.


Autumn or Yellow-legged Meadowhawk, Note the eye color is more tan than the second dragonfly.


Autumn or Yellow-legged Meadowhawk, Note the yellow in the wings near the thorax.



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